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"I am a research scientist and spent my career doing cancer research so when I met Claudia and she told me and showed me what her pendants could do, I have to admit that I was very skeptical but my wife, a nurse, and I purchased them anyway. I had had years of chronic back pain with no relief. Within 48 hours of putting on my pendant, all my back pain was gone. Nothing else had changed in those 48 hours. I don't understand it but it definitely worked and months later I am still free of back pain.

A. Buckley
Guffey, Colorado


"I had the opportunity to test a cell phone whose antenna was boosted with a microchip to get four times greater reception than a regular cell phone. To me, that means 4x's more chaotic EMF's harming the user. The phone alone tested 9 negative, 1 positive, with a pendant the phone became 10 positive and ZERO negative. Meaning completely free of harm. The owner of the phone was impressed."

Rebecca Aeschbaccher
SSHH (Sacred Solutions for Health and Healing)


"I've been telling her [my friend] how wonderful I have been feeling ever since I received the pendant. I wear it everyday and always get tons of complements on it. Thank you so much for your beautiful creations!"

Susan Grisamore


"I immediately felt a calming shift in my energies as soon as I put on the beautiful Bio-Energetic pendant! My energies shifted again (again for the better) after I put on the bracelet along with the pendant necklace. I had been having trouble staying awake and concentrating when on the computer but wearing the Bio-Energetic pendant (plus the Bio-Energetic bracelet) I was able to stay awake, get my work done and be on the computer for over

an hour."



I had a lady, I will call her Mary, that came to three shows, back to back in Kansas City... She said that before she started wearing her pendant, her boss made her cry every single day. After she started wearing her pendant she went on, her boss couldn't make her cry and she would not go to work without it. She said that if she got to work and had forgotten her pendant she would turn around and go back for it, even if it meant she was later for work... Ten days later her next door neighbor called... she explained that her neighbor had loaned her one of her stones and she said, "I am NOT giving it back until I get one of my own," They both came to the next show and both bought more pendants.



"...After we spoke I put my pendant back on and noticed a dramatic difference in my back the very next day. I have had no pains, stiffness or tightness in my upper back and neck since I put it on. I was involved in a car accident which totaled my car. I suffered a double whiplash and a back and neck injury. I spent months in physical therapy trying to strengthen my upper back. I was experiencing a burning pain and stiffness which made it difficult for me to drive and work... I put the pendant on and noticed the next day that I had no more pain. I did nothing different in my activity. I only wish I would have put the pendant on right after the accident happened. I am truly grateful to you... and feel very blessed to have this pendant.

Holly Lowry


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